Publishing your story

Let's go live!
Written by Nick Leeftink
Updated 8 months ago


When you're satisfied with your Scenario, it's time to publish the story. 

It's actually super easy. 😌 Just press 'Publish experience' in the top right corner. 

Once it shows 'Published' you're all set. 💪 Just give our little minions in the cloud up to 15 min. to process your request. 

After that, you're live! 🥳 


Changes that are made in the scenario don't show up for the users until the changes are published. This gives you freedom to edit, without effecting the experience.

Furthermore, if a user is already in a session and a new release is made, they only see the new version after they restart the experience.


If for any reason you'd like to unpublish your experience, follow these steps:

In the settings page, uncheck the box 'Published' and press 'Save'. ✓

Once again, give our system up to 15 min to process, and your story will be offline.

In the next article, you'll learn how to 👉 access your story through a QR Code.
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