Welcome to the scenario builder 😊
Let's create your first story using different types of scenes. In the beginning, you'll see a blank canvas, such as the one below: ⬇️
By pressing 'New content block', you'll get to pick a content block from the vast selection of content types. Don't be overwhelmed, we'll walk you through them!
There are four types of content:
- Basic elements: A Redirect to send the user to another website (mostly used at the end of an experience); a review request so users can rate the experience (this data is shown in the analytics dashboard); and lastly, a simple text element without interaction.
- Media: Show a video or play audio. Or go advanced with the hotspot Image, VR media and VR Branching scenes.
- Questions: Add interaction to your story. Ask a question through true/false, multiple choice or riddles. Get to know your user through a checklist, open question, poll or demographic scene. Additionally, you can create a branch choice to create different paths in the story.
- Location elements: Do you want to create a physical tour? Create a start location and use map elements with GPS.
Ready for the next step? Let's create some content together 👉 in the next article.