Gathering information about your user

Learn how to use poll, checklist and open question elements.
Written by Nick Leeftink
Updated 8 months ago

Hi there 👋! 

It's possible to ask your user for their opinion or other information during any story. There are a couple of content blocks you can use for this purpose:
Poll, Checklist, Open Question and Demographic

All answers given during these content blocks are saved and displayed on your Analytics Dashboard

The poll content block

With the poll content block, it is possible for the user to rate a series of questions on a scale of 1 to 5, or to agree/disagree with a statement.

You have control over what type of questions you can ask and add any number of question.

You also have the ability to display a custom message, based on the combined score of the users' answers. For example:

Based on these settings, the user would see the first message when their combined score is between 3 and 8. Conversely, they would see the second message if their combined score was between 9 and 15.

Checklist content block

Use a checklist content block to display a list of options. From this list, the user can then select their preferred ones.

For example:

When the 'Answer is required' box is checked, at least one option must be selected. 

Open question

Another straightforward one: ask any question and allow any answer. No restrictions. Pretty useful for a survey.

Gathering Demographic Information

The final content block in this article. Simply ask for the gender or age of your user (or both).

Viewing answers on your Analytics Dashboard

When you have released your story with any of the above content blocks, some data will start to come in. After a while, you'll be able to see the results on your Analytics 🔗. Click on the left on Answers & data.

Here you'll see what users have selected and written during your story:

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